Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Date: May 2, 2008
Place: Washington D.C., downtown
Event: First day of internship- B'nai B'rith Museum

I may have already broken both my index fingers. And it is only my first day at work. Well done.

This morning was my first experience in public transportation. When I mentioned that to Malcolm, he chuckled, trying not to offend my innocence and nervousness that something would go terribly wrong.

The DC Metro wasn't so terrible. I couldn't figure out how to put the ticket through the ticket-sucker-money-deducer, and a very nice women patiently showed me the arrow on the ticket and correct inserting location. She spoke slowly and over-emphasized her vowels, like I was new to the English language, which given what I asked her, I suppose she is entirely justified. It was kind of obvious, in hindsight.

Once I got the the Farragut exit, managing not to panic unnecessarily at missing my exit at the Union, Rhode Island, and Brooklyn exits, I proceeded to walk two blocks in the wrong direction before I caught myself and turned around. I reached 2020 K St. within enough grace period not to be late.

Then, at work, when I first met my two (direct) superiors, they got into an arguement about locks on the library doors. I stood there awkwardly.

At my new cute cubicle, I pulled my new chair forward under the desk of my cubicle and smashed my pointer-finger-knuckles thoroughly between the two. Tiny dents remain as evidence.

The afternoon meeting, as decided by my fellow intern and I, was quite hilarious. The same two women, bickering one moment then complementing each other's white stockings the next, was the best hour of work I've ever spent.

Tomorrow will be much better. Today was not so bad.

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